Results found for nominal republican | Eastern North Carolina Now

74 Results found for nominal republican

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As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
Against the backdrop of an advertised Republican Caucus that was greatly contended by the county manager and the county attorney at the behest of 4 commissioners polled, the Beaufort County elected a so-called "Republican" as chairman and a Democratic Socialist as vice-chairman.
Against the backdrop of an advertised Republican Caucus that was greatly contended by the county manager and the county attorney at the behest of 4 commissioners polled, the Beaufort County elected a so-called "Republican" as chairman and a Democratic Socialist as vice-chairman.
When we consider the importance of our First Amendment guaranteed Freedom of Speech, to speak truths as we know them, think as we see fit, and politically assert ourselves as we are called to do so, we all must be aware that this freedom could be easily be lost.
When we consider the importance of our First Amendment guaranteed Freedom of Speech, to speak truths as we know them, think as we see fit, and politically assert ourselves as we are called to do so, we all must be aware that this freedom could be easily be lost.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage submits a resolution for ratification to condemn lawlessness in America's Democratic Socialist governed cities, and the Resolution falls on "deaf ears".
Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage submits a resolution for ratification to condemn lawlessness in America's Democratic Socialist governed cities, and the Resolution falls on "deaf ears".
This presented resolution to protect personal and public property in the face of sanctioned lawlessness is a broad encouragement to the public, and all governments to make a stand to ward off Anarchists and Fascists who are determine to destroy our Republic.
This presented resolution to protect personal and public property in the face of sanctioned lawlessness is a broad encouragement to the public, and all governments to make a stand to ward off Anarchists and Fascists who are determine to destroy our Republic.
On August 3, 2020, the Beaufort County Commissioners met in an open general meeting to discuss many issues, not least of which is the ongoing and massively expensive repair of the jail doors that have been stretched out now for over a year and a half since first discovered as a problem.
On August 3, 2020, the Beaufort County Commissioners met in an open general meeting to discuss many issues, not least of which is the ongoing and massively expensive repair of the jail doors that have been stretched out now for over a year and a half since first discovered as a problem.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Resolution to Permit Concealed Carry for Beaufort County Government Employees in Most of Beaufort County Government's Buildings
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
Not everyone will get the card in the mail. Attached is a copy of both sides.
I speak my mind whether my audience cares to hear what I stand and deliver, or not. This is a transparency /honesty feature that erupted in me many decades ago, when I was first elected to the office of Beaufort County Commissioner in November, 1994.
I speak my mind whether my audience cares to hear what I stand and deliver, or not. This is a transparency /honesty feature that erupted in me many decades ago, when I was first elected to the office of Beaufort County Commissioner in November, 1994.
Steve Scully the controversial designated moderator of the cancelled second presidential debate has admitted he lied about his Twitter account being hacked and has been suspended indefinitely from his job at CSPAN.
Steve Scully the controversial designated moderator of the cancelled second presidential debate has admitted he lied about his Twitter account being hacked and has been suspended indefinitely from his job at CSPAN.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a lion for the Leftist cause for decades after her nomination by President Clinton.
Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson found a way, once again, to keep us informed and somewhat entertained as his explains the bold reality of governing as a Conservative amongst the political backdrop of the long years of Democratic Socialist /nominal Republican control.
Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson found a way, once again, to keep us informed and somewhat entertained as his explains the bold reality of governing as a Conservative amongst the political backdrop of the long years of Democratic Socialist /nominal Republican control.
The Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee is charged with replacing former Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn, R, now deceased, since the election is less than 2 years from the commissioner's death and replacement.
The Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee is charged with replacing former Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn, R, now deceased, since the election is less than 2 years from the commissioner's death and replacement.
The giving away of America's assets: free education; free health care; access to the wealth fare system using anchor babies," etc. is what I have termed, here in Beaufort County, the promised protractive nuisance for Illegals to come in greater abundance.
The giving away of America's assets: free education; free health care; access to the wealth fare system using anchor babies," etc. is what I have termed, here in Beaufort County, the promised protractive nuisance for Illegals to come in greater abundance.
Is 'three times in a row a charm' in the tax raising business here in Beaufort County? Nonetheless, its government's majority believes that yet another tax raise in three consecutive years suits its citizens just fine; so charmed we must be.
Is 'three times in a row a charm' in the tax raising business here in Beaufort County? Nonetheless, its government's majority believes that yet another tax raise in three consecutive years suits its citizens just fine; so charmed we must be.
Sorry Carl, but the Folwell Resolution will not happen in Beaufort County, and will not be even heard.
Sorry Carl, but the Folwell Resolution will not happen in Beaufort County, and will not be even heard.
When did the politicians of the 2019 Democrat Party become completely devoid of morals, ethics and raw human intelligence?
When did the politicians of the 2019 Democrat Party become completely devoid of morals, ethics and raw human intelligence?
After watching the discussion of the Senate Judiciary Committee's discussion today, September 28, 2018, core Democrats on this committee are some of the stupidest, most dishonest politicians I have ever witnessed.
After watching the discussion of the Senate Judiciary Committee's discussion today, September 28, 2018, core Democrats on this committee are some of the stupidest, most dishonest politicians I have ever witnessed.
Recently, today, September 26, I received an email from the Beaufort County Republican party requesting my participation in answering eleven questions submitted by them to me for consideration as a candidate for the Beaufort County Commission.
Recently, today, September 26, I received an email from the Beaufort County Republican party requesting my participation in answering eleven questions submitted by them to me for consideration as a candidate for the Beaufort County Commission.
The Liberals who fully morphed into Socialists, and the nominal Republicans, who have transformed into Never-Trumpers, have one large realty in common, a reality that they hate; Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, and they should embrace that firm reality.
The Liberals who fully morphed into Socialists, and the nominal Republicans, who have transformed into Never-Trumpers, have one large realty in common, a reality that they hate; Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, and they should embrace that firm reality.
After over 14 known months, it is high time to get to the bottom of the Russia Collusion Scandal.
After over 14 known months, it is high time to get to the bottom of the Russia Collusion Scandal.
Here tonight, December 7, 2015, at the general meeting of the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners, former chairman of the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners, Jerry Langley, was elected to serve as the Chairman this night, and will serve until the next December general meeting.
Here tonight, December 7, 2015, at the general meeting of the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners, former chairman of the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners, Jerry Langley, was elected to serve as the Chairman this night, and will serve until the next December general meeting.
Never before in the last two decades, has this 5 term county commissioner, of some estimable intellect on these pertinent matters of the People's business, witnessed commissioners, and their appointed staff take a more flippant, patriarchal attitude toward the welfare of all of our county's citizens
Never before in the last two decades, has this 5 term county commissioner, of some estimable intellect on these pertinent matters of the People's business, witnessed commissioners, and their appointed staff take a more flippant, patriarchal attitude toward the welfare of all of our county's citizens
The Beaufort County Schools and Beaufort County Community College sponsored a candidate forum Tuesday September 30, 2014 at Washington High School. All of the candidates for Beaufort County Commission, Senate District 1 and House District 6 were present.
The Beaufort County Schools and Beaufort County Community College sponsored a candidate forum Tuesday September 30, 2014 at Washington High School. All of the candidates for Beaufort County Commission, Senate District 1 and House District 6 were present.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
As many of you that follow me and Beaufort County's government, you most probably know that I often write resolutions regarding grassroots issues that are deep within the fabric of what America must correct to remain solvent as a Republic.
As many of you that follow me and Beaufort County's government, you most probably know that I often write resolutions regarding grassroots issues that are deep within the fabric of what America must correct to remain solvent as a Republic.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
The North Carolina Republican Party is inarguably bent on proving it is inconsequential to real Conservatives, who actually believe in the tenets of the former Republican Party, and live by Conservative principles.
The North Carolina Republican Party is inarguably bent on proving it is inconsequential to real Conservatives, who actually believe in the tenets of the former Republican Party, and live by Conservative principles.
The Beaufort County Commissioners were put on notice Monday night: "Proceed as you're going and there will be a law suit..."
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